windows remote desktop

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Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:38 pm

auto power on after power outage
trigkey-g3-bios-auto-power-on.jpeg (168.09 KiB) Viewed 23043 times

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:21 am

Jinwei brought back the previous miniPC that was in SFU and he changed the following bios settings:
MicrosoftTeams-image.jpg (6.49 MiB) Viewed 23695 times
MicrosoftTeams-image (1).jpg
MicrosoftTeams-image (1).jpg (6.75 MiB) Viewed 23695 times
I just tested it and wsl2 now boots automatically before logging in.

Re: windows remote desktop

by clarkzjw » Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:14 pm

pan wrote:ok. so it indeed launches wsl2 reliably at startup through terminal? if you can figure out why, we can apply to others too
almost reliable, I tested the following scenarios and they work, and it takes about 30-40 seconds from boot up to wsl2 launches and becomes accessible via tailscale.
from ubuntu: grub-reboot 2 -> windows
from ubuntu: shutdown -> auto boot -> ubuntu -> grub-reboot 2 -> windows
from windows: shutdown -> unplug & replug-> manual select windows in bios
from windows: shutdown -> unplug & replug-> auto boot to ubuntu -> grub-reboot 2 -> windows
from windows: reboot -> auto boot -> ubuntu -> grub-reboot 2 -> windows
The only scenario it doesn't work is shutting down windows by `shutdown /s /f /t 0`, this causes a cold reboot and requires users login to windows desktop and only then the terminal app would launch.

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Mon Jun 05, 2023 5:48 pm

clarkzjw wrote:
pan wrote:
pouriatolouei wrote:Ok, I will set up the new mini pc and hand it to Jinwei by the end of today.
thanks. jinwei can also do a bit diagnosis while he's there. wangfeng may come to mmsys too viewtopic.php?t=9161&p=119799#p119799 so if i can convince him to host a mini, you have access to dallas
Pouria set up the new mini pc today and I'll bring it to SFU and swap it with the existing one with haoyuan
ok. so it indeed launches wsl2 reliably at startup through terminal? if you can figure out why, we can apply to others too

Re: windows remote desktop

by clarkzjw » Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:57 pm

pan wrote:
pouriatolouei wrote:Ok, I will set up the new mini pc and hand it to Jinwei by the end of today.
thanks. jinwei can also do a bit diagnosis while he's there. wangfeng may come to mmsys too viewtopic.php?t=9161&p=119799#p119799 so if i can convince him to host a mini, you have access to dallas
Pouria set up the new mini pc today and I'll bring it to SFU and swap it with the existing one with haoyuan

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:01 am

pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote:if this mini pc works well for you, you can ask jinwei to bring to vancouver next week to swap with the one at haoyuan

another brand new mini pc will be delivered to minming in ottawa next tuesday and you and jinwei can help him enable remote desktop for you to access remotely

a checklist: hit del to get into bios and enable all thermal functions to cool better and automatically power on after power is plugged or one minute after shutdown

finish installing the pre-installed windows 11 pro. use our test username and password. install tailscale and give you the login link, so it will be in your tail network

enable remote desktop access and you can take over from there with tailscale. install whatever you need for gfn over starlink experiments and run wsl2 at startup
Ok, I will set up the new mini pc and hand it to Jinwei by the end of today.
thanks. jinwei can also do a bit diagnosis while he's there. wangfeng may come to mmsys too viewtopic.php?t=9161&p=119799#p119799 so if i can convince him to host a mini, you have access to dallas

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:44 am

pan wrote:if this mini pc works well for you, you can ask jinwei to bring to vancouver next week to swap with the one at haoyuan

another brand new mini pc will be delivered to minming in ottawa next tuesday and you and jinwei can help him enable remote desktop for you to access remotely

a checklist: hit del to get into bios and enable all thermal functions to cool better and automatically power on after power is plugged or one minute after shutdown

finish installing the pre-installed windows 11 pro. use our test username and password. install tailscale and give you the login link, so it will be in your tail network

enable remote desktop access and you can take over from there with tailscale. install whatever you need for gfn over starlink experiments and run wsl2 at startup
Ok, I will set up the new mini pc and hand it to Jinwei by the end of today.

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:36 pm

pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote:then it's likely due to the difference of bios and windows interaction. you can leave it aside for now. let me find an identical mini pc as the remote one too
I set up wsl on the mini pc that you gave me yesterday and after reboot, the terminal launched before login. I double checked the bios and it was the same as the mini pc in SFU. However, when I specifically performed a full power down with "shutdown /s /f /t 0" then as expected, the terminal didn't launch until I logged in.

So it seems like bios isn't the issue.
if this mini pc works well for you, you can ask jinwei to bring to vancouver next week to swap with the one at haoyuan

another brand new mini pc will be delivered to minming in ottawa next tuesday and you and jinwei can help him enable remote desktop for you to access remotely

a checklist: hit del to get into bios and enable all thermal functions to cool better and automatically power on after power is plugged or one minute after shutdown

finish installing the pre-installed windows 11 pro. use our test username and password. install tailscale and give you the login link, so it will be in your tail network

enable remote desktop access and you can take over from there with tailscale. install whatever you need for gfn over starlink experiments and run wsl2 at startup

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:18 pm

pan wrote:then it's likely due to the difference of bios and windows interaction. you can leave it aside for now. let me find an identical mini pc as the remote one too
I set up wsl on the mini pc that you gave me yesterday and after reboot, the terminal launched before login. I double checked the bios and it was the same as the mini pc in SFU. However, when I specifically performed a full power down with "shutdown /s /f /t 0" then as expected, the terminal didn't launch until I logged in.

So it seems like bios isn't the issue.

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:37 am

pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote: can you ask jinwei to help you troubleshoot a bit? i will try the same on a mini pc to be sent to ottawa, currently associated with the new york city point of presence, so you can access coast-to-coast with enough geographical diversity as well
Jinwei looked into it and it seems like the remote mini pc does a full powercycle cold reboot/shutdown, which won't automatically start windows terminal app unless user logins to the desktop. Enabling fast startup should prevent this, but choosing Restart from the UI will still do a full shutdown, followed by a cold boot. But on his laptop even if he chooses Restart, it doesn't do a full shutdown, it's still fast startup. Even though the settings on the remote mini pc looks the same, it still behaves differently.
then it's likely due to the difference of bios and windows interaction. you can leave it aside for now. let me find an identical mini pc as the remote one too

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:26 am

pan wrote: can you ask jinwei to help you troubleshoot a bit? i will try the same on a mini pc to be sent to ottawa, currently associated with the new york city point of presence, so you can access coast-to-coast with enough geographical diversity as well
Jinwei looked into it and it seems like the remote mini pc does a full powercycle cold reboot/shutdown, which won't automatically start windows terminal app unless user logins to the desktop. Enabling fast startup should prevent this, but choosing Restart from the UI will still do a full shutdown, followed by a cold boot. But on his laptop even if he chooses Restart, it doesn't do a full shutdown, it's still fast startup. Even though the settings on the remote mini pc looks the same, it still behaves differently.

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:34 am

pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote:
pouriatolouei wrote:The mini pc has been configured to automatically start windows terminal app and the wsl2 ubuntu without user login.
great. then you can replicate the setup to the mini pc in burnaby as well
I tried setting it up, but the terminal only automatically launches after I remote login. Before that ping and ssh fail.
can you ask jinwei to help you troubleshoot a bit? i will try the same on a mini pc to be sent to ottawa, currently associated with the new york city point of presence, so you can access coast-to-coast with enough geographical diversity as well

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Wed May 31, 2023 5:22 pm

pan wrote:
pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote: thanks. can you get the windows mini pc in ecs404 to work like this? if so, we can replicate to other remote locations too
The mini pc has been configured to automatically start windows terminal app and the wsl2 ubuntu without user login.
great. then you can replicate the setup to the mini pc in burnaby as well
I tried setting it up, but the terminal only automatically launches after I remote login. Before that ping and ssh fail.

Re: windows remote desktop

by pan » Wed May 31, 2023 4:37 pm

pouriatolouei wrote:
pan wrote: thanks. can you get the windows mini pc in ecs404 to work like this? if so, we can replicate to other remote locations too
The mini pc has been configured to automatically start windows terminal app and the wsl2 ubuntu without user login.
great. then you can replicate the setup to the mini pc in burnaby as well

Re: windows remote desktop

by pouriatolouei » Wed May 31, 2023 4:14 pm

pan wrote: thanks. can you get the windows mini pc in ecs404 to work like this? if so, we can replicate to other remote locations too
The mini pc has been configured to automatically start windows terminal app and the wsl2 ubuntu without user login.
