victoria, bc, canada

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 am

victoria, bc, canada

Post by pan »

weather and air quality including pollen ... ria/pollen

Allergy Outlook
Victoria, BC Monday, June 13
POLLEN High; AIR QUALITY Low Risk; MOLD Moderate

Pollen Forecast; Reported at Victoria, BC; Data provided by Aerobiology Research
Monday, Jun 13 High
High: Cedar, Juniper, etc; Moderate: Pine, Fir, Spruce; Moderate: True Grasses

Tuesday, Jun 14 Very High
Very High: Cedar, Juniper, etc; Moderate: Misc. Weeds; Moderate: True Grasses

Wednesday, Jun 15 Very High
Very High: Cedar, Juniper, etc; Moderate: True Grasses; Low: Buckeye, Horse Chestnut

it's a high season now ... allergies/

Posts: 57784
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 am

Re: victoria, bc, canada

Post by pan » ... st-winter/
The Coldest Winter I Ever Spent Was a Summer in San Francisco
similarly in victoria
Posts: 57784
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 am

Re: victoria, bc, canada

Post by pan » ... e-victoria
Marine Scenic Drive Victoria
butchart gardens, mount doug, cadboro bay, uvic, uplands, willow beach, beach drive peak, clover point, mile 0, fisherman's wharf, inner harbor and downtown, or vice versa
marine-scenic-drive.png (468.3 KiB) Viewed 10926 times
Posts: 57784
Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:23 am

Re: victoria, bc, canada

Post by pan »

water near victoria is colder than san francisco ... California
Paul Noel
Former Research Scientist 6 Level 2 UAH (2008–2014)Author has 16.8K answers and 25.5M answer views 4y

There is a global circulation circuit in the oceans. It is called the thermohaline circulation.

The entire world heat and cold circulation in the oceans is mapped out here. The loop in the pacific is somewhat abbreviated on this map. the current coming down the coast of Alaska and down to Mexico has a base temperature of 4C or about 39.2F. This is because at this temperature water is the most dense. The surface begins to warm as it goes south but basically that 4C dominates.

The effect of this dominant cold water is not much moderated as it passes down to about San Francisco California and this is why the cold fog is so notable in the area. The persistence of the fog is reduced some south of San Francisco. We know this has been so for at least 4,000 years because the Redwood Trees of Northern California depend on this fog to live and there are trees there that are that old.
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