Updates on Library Resources and Services

electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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Updates on Library Resources and Services

Post by cai »

Fm: Prof. Kui Wu

Dear colleagues:

As the department library representative, I attended a library colloquium
today and would like to highlight the library resources and services that
I think are relevant to our department:


No matter you like it or not, eBooks have become an inevitable trend in
many libraries. UVic is following the wave and many books will be
purchased in soft copies only. Particularly useful to computer science
dept are the books from Safari Tech. Books online
(http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com.e ... ic.ca/home) and
Springer ebooks
(http://www.springerlink.com.ezproxy.lib ... e/main.mpx). EBL
(Ebook Library:
http://www.uvic.eblib.com.ezproxy.libra ... eb/patron/) is also
a very useful resource.

(2) Digital Initiatives

The University of Victoria Libraries is developing a variety of digital
initiatives. The ones that you may find useful include:

UVicDSpace (https://dspace.library.uvic.ca:8443/dspace/)

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Project
(http://gateway.uvic.ca.ezproxy.library. ... index.html)

I am glad that some of our students and faculty members have realized the
existence of these projects and have put their theses in UVicDSpace. The
major benefit will be the direct impact on the citation number of your
work, since UVicDSpace is harvested by many search engineers, such as
google scholar.

(3) Media cost-sharing and public performance rights:

For those who are interested in and have research projects on music,
Listen Online
(http://gateway.uvic.ca.ezproxy.library. ... nline.html)
allows you to listen to streamed music anywhere 24 hours a day.

(4) Data Acquisition Service

Many of us may not realize this service. This resource allows us to access
many statistic data sets, including Canadian Census, BC STATS, etc. Why
are they useful in any rate? Well, I believe you occasionally require some
statistical data to justify the contributions of your research projects to
Canada in your funding proposal, e.g., the benefit of a healthcare related
project. With UVic data acquisition service, it is easy to know the infant
mortality or the number of deaths caused by Diabetes mellitus in a
particular year. For those who are interested in statistical tools, data
mining, etc, the real data sets are undoubtedly an invaluable resource.

(5) Finally, good news to people who are interested in computer graphics:
we have purchased organizational membership in the Eurographics Association
(http://diglib.eg.org). This resource will appear on the Libraries Gateway

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