grad: social events

electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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grad: social events

Post by pan »

Hello grad students,
it's Lior, your graduate representative.

I hope that you are doing well, and enjoyingthe term so far :-)

I would like to pass on some news items of interest to
both graduate students, faculty, and staff:

  1. CS Coffee House.
    FREE Coffee and Cookies!

Friday, Oct. 20th,(1:00pm) ECS 668. Hosted by the CHISEL group.
Grad students, faculty, and staff are welcome.

2.Coffee and Tea Club.
DavidSprague started a Coffee & Tea Club at ECS 668.

There is a grinder anda fancy coffee brewer. The
quality is very good! You can go to ECS 668 anytime
and brew fresh coffee! Please remember to mark
your name because this is how you will be charged.
Grad students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join.

  1. Soccer Game.
    Peter Rigby (also a graduate representative) is organizing
    a soccer game (the traditional grad students Vs. faculty+staff).
    Time + place to be announced.

  2. Dining, movies, and fun time.
    David Sprague is trying to organize a grads social mailing
    list so we can contact each other about social events
    (eating out, going to movies, Friday night trips to Smuggler's
    Cove Pub, bike rides, hikes, etc). If you would like to get on this
    mailing list, please email him:

  3. Getting involved.
    If you plan on applying for scholarships (e.g.,NSERC),
    or for any job, then you can significantly improve your chances
    by gaining experience while you are on campus.
    Get involved with the GSS (some really cool positions opened
    up recently), IEEE (this looks great on your CV, and you may get
    an IEEE scholarship), or whatever you find interesting and fun.
    Contact me for details.


Lior Malka
Ph.D. Candidate Department of Computer Science
University of Victoria
PO Box 3055, STN CSC
Victoria, BC
Canada V8W 3P6
fax: | (250) 472-5841
(250) 472-5708
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