Women Scholars Lecture Series

electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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Women Scholars Lecture Series

Post by pan »


_Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost --
Po Box 1700 STN csc
Victoria British Columbia v8w 2Y2 Canada
Tel: (250) 721-7013 Fax :721-7216
E-mail: jdearden@uvic.ca Web h_p:llweb.uvic.calvpac
of Vi_toria .

Date: September 14, 2006
To: All Regular Faculty Members and Librarians
From: Women Scholars Lecture Series Committee (see below)
Re: Call for Nominations

The Women Scl]olars Lecture Series Committee is accepting nominations for guest speakers
for the 2007-08 academic year. This sefies is intelIded to bring distinguished womell
scholars to the Universiy ofVictoria. The Series will be sponsorinS up to four speakers tllis

Each guest speaker is requested to give one public lecturc suitable for the UniversiS al_d a
communiV audience, as well as lectures/seminars within the appropriate academic ulIit_ ol_
campus. The usual len&h ofa visit is three to five days. The proposing faculV
member/acadeniic unit will be responsible for arranginS lnost ofthe details fof the speaker's
visit, and will be expected to act as host.

Primary criterion is the candidate's scholarly excellence. Other relevant factors that may be
considered include support by more than one constituency or academic unit, sponsorship by
hn academic unit that has not recently IIad a speaker in the Women Scholars Lecture Series,
and sponsorship by a unit in which there is under representation ofwomen in the area.
The budget for each speaker is up to $l,ooo for travel, up to $1,750 for honoraria ($250-
$350 per diem) for no more than five days, $150/day living expenses up to a maximum of
$l ,050 for no more than seven days, and miscellaneous expenses of up to $500.

Nominators should supply a complete curriculum vitae, as well as information about the
proposed public lecture topic, and the participation oftheir own and other academic units in
the visit. ln.other words, a plan for what the scholar will be doing while at the University _f
Victoria. An estimated budget should also be attached.

Please send nomination(s) to the Office ofthe Vicc-President Academic and Provost by
Tuesday, October 31", 2006.

(Tummirlee MeMbers
Lynne VaN LNven, WrtiNg ((Thair) (7J07) Monika WiNN, aNsiNPss (�7l)
Ch_istiNe St. Pele_, Women 's ,SINdies (7J77) Vnl_rie _itTg, CnlN_xrer ScieNce (7299)
aybaya NawkiNs, aiology (Tl l 7) Laya LaN=NN, p_Iysical EdNcu_ion (8J7)
Marie NoskiNs, (Thld & yoNrh Care (>98L) Vacanl (2/


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