Women and Ambition workshop

electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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Women and Ambition workshop

Post by pan »

"Dear ladies:

Lil Blume, a popular Communications Consultant and Trainer from Toronto,
as well as professor in the Computer Science Department at the University
of Toronto will be giving a talk "Live Ambitiously: Degrees, Careers and
our personal lives" here in ECS 660 on February 28th from 5 p.m. - 7:30

In this workshop, we will:

-Explore our attitudes towards our careers, dreams, and ambitions in the
-Look at influences in the culture, in the workforce, and in us that
discourage us from dreaming big.
-Prepare ourselves for these influences and be ready to counteract them.
-Discover ways not to let our careers unravel when children and family
become part of our lives.

Lil was at UVic giving a few workshops some months ago, and those
workshops sold out very quickly! So this event is not to be missed.

This event is sponsored by DAWEG and the UVic Women in Engineering and
Computer Science. The event is free but please R.S.V.P as soon as
possible so we know how much food to order. We will start with dinner
(pizza) at 5 p.m.

To R.S.V.P., please email wcs@csc.uvic.ca

Further information is on http://wecs.uvic.ca

I look formward to hearing from many of you. Also, please pass this
information along to your undergraduates students and friends.


Anissa Agah St.Pierre
Coordinator for Women in Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering
University of Victoria
ECS 320
Tel: (250) 472-5851"

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