Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)

electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)

Post by pan »

RE: Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) - (formerly Summer Career Placement)

The Summer Career Placement program has been replaced with a new program
called Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ). Canada Summer Jobs is a new initiative of
the Summer Work Experience program. This initiative is specifically designed
to help students having trouble finding summer jobs because of where they
live and/or other barriers.

Information about the Canada Summer Jobs program is now up on Service
Canada's website at: ... scpp.shtml or at
Career Services' website: (under 'related

Departments wishing to submit proposals for the Canada Summer Jobs program
should read over the information carefully. Important Note: Career
Services is not centrally administering this program for the university -
supervisors will be responsible for administering this program for their
students (the same as last year). The wage subsidy is the same as last year

  • $4.00 per hour.

Departments wishing to submit proposals for the Canada Summer Jobs program
must submit their completed proposal to Career Services' office (Campus
Services Bldg. room 110) for union classification and concurrence by 4:30 pm

  • Wednesday, March 28, 2007. Do not send proposals directly to Service
    Canada. Proposals sent directly to Service Canada will not receive funding
    as they will not have the correct union letters attached.

Career Services will be forwarding proposals received by UVic departments on
to Service Canada with the appropriate union letters. We will not be
returning the proposals to departments. Please ensure that you have copies
of your proposal for your records before submitting to Career Services.

**Remember, you do not have to apply for Canada Summer Jobs in order to hire
a summer student. We are happy to post your on-campus position for you at
any time. Our on-line posting form is located on our website at: ... tings.html or you may send us
your posting via email to: - or call our general office at

'Our students are your future employees'

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