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Pan Group Publications
Cai Group Publications
Journal papers
To appear
- K. Zhou and L. Cai, "A Dynamic Water-filling Method for Real-Time HVAC Load Control Based on Model Predictive Control," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, accepted, July 2014.
- K. Zhou and L. Cai, "Randomized PHEV Charging Under Distribution Grid Constraints," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, accepted, Nov. 2013.
- K. Zhou and L. Cai, "A Decentralized Access Control Algorithm for PHEV Charging in Smart Grid," Elsevier Energy Systems, accepted, July 2013.
- Y. Luo, R. Zhang, L. Cai, and S. Xiang, "Finite-state Markov Modeling for Wireless Cooperative Networks," IET Networks, accepted, July 2013.
- L. He, Z. Yang, J. Pan, L. Cai, and J. Xu, "Evaluating Service Disciplines for On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks," IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, accepted, May 2013.
- X. Wang and L. Cai, "Proportional Fair Scheduling in Hierarchical Modulation Aided Wireless Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, accepted, Jan. 2013.
- S. Xiang and L. Cai, "Transmission Control for Compressive Sensing Video over Wireless Channel," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, accepted, Dec. 2012.
- J. Wang, A. Huang, L. Cai, and W. Wang, "On the Queue Dynamics of Multi-User Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Technology, accepted, Nov. 2012.
- L. Chang, J. Pan, and M. Xing, "Effective Utilization of User Resources in PA-VoD Systems with Channel Heterogeneity", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) - Special Issue on Emerging Technologies in Communications, vol. 31, no. 9-Supplement, pp. 227-236, 2013.
- M. Cheng, Q. Ye, and L. Cai, "Cross-Layer Schemes for Reducing Delay in Multihop Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 928 - 937, February 2013.
- L. Zheng, N. Lu, and L. Cai, "Reliable Wireless Communication Networks for Demand Response Control," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.133-140, March 2013.
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu. “A Progressive Approach to Reducing Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1308-1320, 2013.
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu, “Data collection latency in wireless sensor networks with multiple mobile elements,” Journal of Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 18, No. 1-2, pp. 109-129, 2013.
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, V. Viswanathan, and L. Cai, "On the Uplink MAC Performance of A Drive-Thru Internet," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1925--1935, May 2012. DOI
- A. Abdullah, L. Cai, and F. Gebali, "DSDMAC: Dual Sensing Directional MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks with Directional Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1266--1275, March 2012. PDF DOI
- Z. Yang, L. Cai, Y. Luo, and J. Pan, “Topology-aware modulation and error-correction coding for cooperative networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 379--387, February 2012. DOI Bib
- L. Cai, S. Xiang, Y. Luo, and J. Pan, “Scalable modulation for video transmission in wireless networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies (TVT), vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 4314-4323, 2011.
- M. Cheng, X. Gong, L. Cai, and X. Jia, "Cross-layer throughput optimization with transmission power control in sensor networks," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, accepted, June 2011.
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, Y. Luo, and L. Cai, "Time and Location-Critical Emergency Message Dissemination for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE JSAC, special issue on Vehicular and Communications and Networks, vol. 29, issue 1, pp. 187-196, Jan. 2011.
- R. Zhang, L. Cai, J. Pan, and X. Shen, "Resource management for video streaming in ad hoc networks", Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, invited, 2010.
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, Y. Luo, and L. Cai, "Time and location-critical emergency message dissemination for vehicular ad-hoc networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted, 2010.
- H. Yin, B. Sheng, H. Wang, and J. Pan, "Keychain-based signatures for securing BGP," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, accepted, 2010.
- L. Chang, Y. Liu, Z. Wei and J. Pan, "Optimizing BitTorrent-like peer-to-peer systems in the presence of network address translation devices," Springer Journal of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, accepted, 2010.
- R. Zhang, L. Cai, J. Pan and X. Shen, "Resource Management for Video Streaming in Ad Hoc Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, special issue on Multimedia Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, accepted, August, 2010.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, "Joint AMC and Packet Fragmentation for Error-control over Fading Channels," IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech. Vol.59, Issue 6, pp. 3070-3080, July 2010.
- R. Zhang, R. Ruby, J. Pan, L. Cai and X. Shen, "A Hybrid Reservation/Contention-based MAC for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks," IEEE JSAC, vol. 28, issue 3, pp. 389-398, April 2010.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, ``REX: a Randomized Exclusive Region based Scheduling Scheme for mmWave WPANs, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 113-121, Jan. 2010.
2009 and before
- F. Wan, L. Cai, E. Shihab, and A. Gulliver, "Admission region of triple-play services in wireless home networks," Computer Communications (Elsevier), accepted, Dec. 2009.
- L. Wang, L. Cai, X. Liu, and X. Shen, "Bounds Estimation and Practical Stability of AIMD/RED Systems with Time Delays", Computer Networks (Elsevier), accepted, Oct. 2009.
- R. Zhang, L. Cai, S. He, X. Dong, and J. Pan. "Modeling, validation and performance evaluation of body shadowing effect in ultra-wideband networks," Elsevier Physical Communication, June 2009.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and Q. Zhang, "MAC Protocol Design and Optimization for Multi-hop Ultra-wideband Networks," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 8, issue 8, pp. 4056-65, Aug. 2009.
- E. Shihab, L. Cai and J. Pan, ``A Distributed, Asynchronous Directional-to-Directional MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, issue 9, pp.5124-34, Nov. 2009.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai. ``A Packet-level Model for UWB Channel with People Shadowing Process based on Angular Spectrum Analysis, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 8, issue 8, pp. 4048-55, Aug. 2009.
- M. Cheng, X. Gong, and L. Cai, ``Joint Routing and Link Rate Allocation under Bandwidth and Energy Constraints in Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 8, issue 7, pp. 3770-79, July 2009.
- L. Wang, L. Cai, X. Liu, X. Shen, and J. Zhang ``Stability Analysis of General AIMD/RED Systems with Multiple Bottleneck networks, Elsevier Computer Netowrks, 53(3):338-352, Feb. 2009.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, ``Resource Management and QoS Provisioning for IPTV over mmWave-based WPANs with Directional Antenna, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 14(2):210-219, April 2009.
- K. Liu, X. Shen, R. Zhang and L. Cai, ``Performance Analysis of Distributed Reservation Protocol for UWB-based WPAN, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 58(2):902--913, Feb. 2009.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, ``Capacity Analysis of UWB Networks in Three-dimensional Space, IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks, 11(3):287--296, 2009.
- L. X. Cai, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and L. Cai, ``Supporting voice and video applications over IEEE 802.11n WLANs, ACM Wireless Networks (WINET), 15(4):443-454, May 2009.
- E. Shihab, L. Cai, F. Wan, A. Gulliver, and N. Tin, “Mesh Network for In-Home IPTV Distribution,” IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on Wireless Mesh Networks: Applications, Architectures and Protocols, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 52-57, Jan./Feb. 2008.
- L. Cai and X. Shen, “ Editorial: Energy-efficient algorithm and protocol design in sensor networks,” International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 4, No. 1/2, pp. 1-2, 2008. [J24] V. Mahinthan, L. Cai, J. W. Mark, and X. Shen, “"Partner Selection Based on Optimal Power Allocation in Cooperative Diversity Systems," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 511-520, Jan. 2008.
- K. Liu, L. Cai X. Shen, “Multi-Class Utility-Based Scheduling for UWB Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 1178-1187, March 2008.
- S. Pack, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and L. Cai, "Throughput Analysis of TCP Friendly Rate Control in Mobile Hotspots," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 193-203, Jan. 2008.
- K. Liu, L. Cai, X. Shen, "Exclusive-Region based Scheduling Algorithms for UWB WPAN," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 933-942, March 2008.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, “A Markov Model for Ultra-wideband Indoor Channel with Shadowing,” ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol. 12, Issue 5, pp. 438-449, Dec. 2007.
- Shen, X., N. F. Maxemchuk, and L. Cai, “Guest Editorial: Special section on vehicular communication networks,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 3241- 3243, Nov. 2007.
- S. Pack, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and L. Cai, "A Two-Phase Loss Differentiation Algorithm for Improving TFRC Performance in IEEE 802.11 WLANs,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Comm., Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 4164-4175, Nov. 2007.
- L. X. Cai, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and L. Cai, "Capacity analysis and MAC enhancement for UWB broadband wireless access networks,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pp. 3265-3277, Aug. 2007.
- S. Pack, H. Rutagemwa, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and L. Cai, "Performance Analysis of Mobile Hotspots with Heterogeneous Wireless Links," IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, Issue 10, pp. 3717-3727, Oct. 2007.
- L. Wang, L. Cai, X. Liu, and X. Shen, "Stability and TCP-friendliness of AIMD/RED Systems with Feedback Delays," Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 51, Issue 15, pp. 4475-4491, Oct. 2007.
- V. Mahinthan, L. Cai, J.W. Mark, and X. Shen, "Maximizing cooperative diversity energy gain for wireless networks", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 2530-2539, June 2007.
- J. Pan, L. Cai and X. Shen, "Vulnerabilities in Distance-Indexed IP Traceback Schemes," International J. of Security and Networks (IJSN), Vol. 2, Nos.1/2, pp. 81-94, Jan. 2007.
- L. Cai, X. Shen, J. W. Mark, and J. Pan, Performance modeling and analysis of window-controlled multimedia flows in wireless/wired networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communiactions, 6(4):1356--1365, April 2007.
- J. Pan, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, ``Identity-based secure collaboration in ad hoc networks, Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 51, issue 3, pp. 853-865, Feb. 2007.
Conference Papers
- K. Zhou , J. Pan and L. Cai, "Optimal Combined Heat and Power System Scheduling in Smart Grid," IEEE INFOCOM'14 (Accepted), April. 2014, Toronto, ON, CA.
- Y. Chen, X. Wang, and L. Cai, “HOL delay based scheduling in wireless networks with flow-level dynamics,” IEEE GLOBECOM'14, Austin, TX, USA, Dec. 2014.
- H. Zhang, l. Zheng, and L. Cai, “HePNC: Design of physical layer network coding with heterogeneous modulations,” IEEE GLOBECOM'14, Austin, TX, USA, Dec. 2014.
- L. Zhang, B. Yu, and J. Pan. "GeoMob: A Mobility-aware Geocast Scheme in Metropolitans via Taxicabs and Buses", to appear in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'14), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2014.
- L. He, P. Cheng, Y. Gu, J. Pan, T. Zhu, and C. Liu. "Mobile-to-Mobile Energy Replenishment in Mission-Critical Robotic Sensor Networks," to appear in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communnications (INFOCOM'14), Toronto, Canada, 2014.
- L. He, Y. Gu, J. Pan, and T. Zhu, “On-demand charging in wireless sensor networks: theories and applications,” in Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'13), Hangzhou, China, 2013.
- B. Yu, M. Ni, and J. Pan, “Performance analysis of multi-channel multi-source message delivery in ICMN,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- F. Tong, M. Ni, L. Shu, and J. Pan, “A pipelined-forwarding, routing-integrated and effectively-identifying MAC for large-scale WSN,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- X. Song, R. Zhang, J. Pan, and J. Liu, “A statistical geometric approach for capacity analysis in two-hop relay communications,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- L. Zheng, L. Cai, J. Pan, and M. Ni, “Performance analysis of grouping strategy for dense IEEE 802.11 networks,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- M. Ahmadi, M. Ni, and J. Pan, “A geometrical probability-based approach towards the analysis of uplink inter-cell interference,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- J. Tao, L. Zhang, M. Ahmadi, L. Chang, J. Pan, and W. Chen, “Hexagonal clustering with mobile energy replenishment in wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 56th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
- S. Wang, R. Zhang, L. Cai and Y. Jiang, "New SAPFR Protocol for WSNs with Sensitive Clusters," IEEE Globecom'13, Atlanta, GA, USA, Dec. 2013.
- J. Xiao, R. Zhang, J. Pan, and Y. Jiang, “CMESR: a hybrid approach for data collection and sensor redeployment using mobile elements in WSNs,” in Proc. 2nd IEEE International Communications Conference in China (ICCC'13), Xi'an, China, 2013.
- X. Deng, L. Chang, J. Tao, J. Pan, and J. Wang, “Social profile-based multicast routing scheme for delay-tolerant networks,” in Proc. 48th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'13), Budapest, Hungary, 2013. (Best Paper Award)
- L. Zhang, L. Cai, and J. Pan, “Connectivity in Two-Dimensional Lattice Networks,” in Proc. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'13), Turin, Italy, April 2013.
- J. Wang, D. Fang, X. Chen, Z. Yang, T. Xing, and L. Cai, “LCS: Compressive Sensing based Device-Free Localization for Multiple Targets in Sensor Networks,” in Proc. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications Mini-Symposium (INFOCOM-MC'13), Turin, Italy, April 2013.
- X. Wang and L. Cai, "Resource Allocation in a K-User Wireless Broadcast System with N-Layer Superposition Coding," IEEE WCNC'13, Shanghai, China, April 2013.
- X. Deng, Q. Liu, X. Li, L. Cai, and Z. Chen, "Channel Quality and Load Aware Routing in Wireless Mesh Network," IEEE WCNC'13, Shanghai, China, April 2013.
- L. Zheng, S. Lin, and L. Cai, "Efficient Multi-Receiver Message Aggregation for Short Message Delivery in M2M Networks," IEEE WCNC'13, Shanghai, China, April 2013.
- L. Zhang, M. Ahmadi, J. Pan, and L. Chang, "Metropolitan-Scale Taxicab Mobility Modeling," in Proc. 55th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.
- J. Tao, L. He, Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and M. Ahmadi, “Sweeping and Active Skipping in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements,” in Proc. 55th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.
- M. Xing, S. Xiang, and L. Cai, "Rate adaptation for video streaming over multiple wireless access networks," in Proc. 55th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.
- S. Lin, Z. Zhong, L. Cai, and Y. Luo, "Finite state Markov modelling for high speed railway wireless communication channel," in Proc. 55th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.
- S. Wang, R. Zhang, J. Ma, and L. Cai, "A simple energy-efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks based on artificial potential field," in Proc. 55th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.
- L. Chang and J. Pan, "Towards the Optimal Caching Strategies of Peer-Assisted VoD Systems with HD Channels," in Proc. 20th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'12), Austin, TX, USA, October 2012.
- M. Ahmadi, Y. Zhuang, and J. Pan, “Distributed Robust Channel Assignment for Multi-Radio Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proc. 76th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'12 Fall), Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 2012.
- L. Zhang, Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, L. Kaur, and H. Zhu. "Multi-Modal Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," in Proc. 1st IEEE International Communication Conference in China (ICCC'12), Beijing, China, August 2012. PDF
- R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhong, X. Lu, and L. Cai, "An analytical approach for evaluating the correlation properties of sub-channel fading for carrier aggregation," in Proc. 1st IEEE International Communication Conference in China (ICCC'12), Beijing, China, August 2012. PDF
- M. Ahmadi, L. He, J. Pan, and Jingdong Xu, “Cluster-based Data Collection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink,” in Proc. 47th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2012. DOI Bib
- M. Xing and L. Cai, “Adaptive Video Streaming with Inter-Vehicle Relay For Highway VANET Scenario,” in Proc. 47th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2012. DOI Bib
- C. Liu, D. Fang, Z. Yang, X. Chen, W. Wang, T. Xing, N. An, and L. Cai, “RDL: A Novel Approach for Passive Object Localization in WSN Based on RSSI,” in Proc. 47th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2012. DOI Bib
- L. He, Z. Yang, J. Pan, L. Cai, and J. Xu, “Evaluating service disciplines for mobile elements in wireless ad hoc sensor networks,” in Proc. 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'12), Orlando, FL, USA, March 2012. DOI Bib
- Y. Zhuang and J. Pan, “A geometrical probability approach to location-critical network performance metrics,” in Proc. 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'12), Orlando, FL, USA, March 2012. DOI Bib
- Z. Yang, L. Cai, Y. Liu, and J. Pan, “Environment-aware clock skew estimation and synchronization for wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'12), Orlando, FL, USA, March 2012. DOI Bib
- S. Xiang, L. Cai, and J. Pan, “Adaptive scalable video streaming in wireless networks,” in Proc. 3rd ACM Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSYS'12), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, February 2012. DOI Bib
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu, “Analysis on data collection with multiple mobile elements in wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 54th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'11), Houston, USA, December 2011. (Best Paper Award)
- Y. Zhuang, Y. Luo, L. Cai, and J. Pan, “A geometric probability model for capacity analysis and interference estimation in wireless mobile cellular systems,” in Proc. 54th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'11), Houston, USA, December 2011.
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu, “Adaptive mobility-assisted data collection in wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP'11), Nanjing, China, November 2011. (Best Paper Award)
- M. Ahmadi and J. Pan, "Cognitive wireless mesh networks: A connectivity preserving and interference minimizing channel assignment scheme," in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim'11), Victoria, Canada, August 2011.
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu, “An on-demand data collection scheme for wireless sensor networks with mobile elements,” in Proc. 46th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- J. Song, Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and L. Cai, “Certificateless secure upload for drive-thru Internet,” in Proc. 46th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- L. Chang and J. Pan, “Reducing the overhead of view-upload decoupling in peer-to-peer video-on-demand systems,” in Proc. 46th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- Z. Wei and J. Pan, “Modeling BitTorrent-based P2P video streaming systems in the presence of NAT devices,” in Proc. 46th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- R. Zhang, L. Cai, and J. Pan, “Performance study of hybrid MAC using soft reservation for wireless networks,” in Proc. 46th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- L. He, J. Pan, and J. Xu, “Reducing data collection latency in wireless sensor networks with mobile elements,” in Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks (WiSARN'11), Shanghai, China, April 2011.
- A. Khosravi and J. Pan, "Exploring personal interest in intermittently connected wireless mobile social networks," in Proc. 8th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'11), Las Vegas, USA, January 2011.
- L. Zheng, S. Parkinson, D. Wang, L. Cai, and C. Crawford, "Energy efficient communication network design for demand response in smart grid," WCSP'11, Nanjing, China, Nov. 2011.
- X. Wang and L. Cai, "Interference analysis of co-existing wireless body area networks," IEEE Globecom'11, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 2011.
- L. Zheng and L. Cai, “Flipped contention resolution diversity Aloha,” IEEE Globecom'11, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 2011.
- M. Cheng, X. Gong, Y. Xu, and L. Cai, “Link activity scheduling for minimum end-to-end latency in multihop wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Globecom'11, Houston, Texas, USA, Dec. 2011.
- R. Zhang, X. Lu, Z. Zhong, and L. Cai, “A study on spatial-temporal dynamics properties of indoor wireless channels,” WASA'11, Chengdu, Aug. 2011.
- Z. Yang, Y. Luo, and L. Cai, “Network Modulation: A New Dimension to Enhance Wireless Network Performance," IEEE Infocom'11, Shanghai, China, May 2011.
- S. Xiang and L. Cai, “Scalable Video Coding with Compressive Sensing for Wireless Videocast,” IEEE ICC'11, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- H. Mukaidani, L. Cai, and X. Shen, “Stable Queue Management for Supporting TCP Flows over Wireless Networks,” IEEE ICC'11, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- B. Ma, Z. Yang, L. Cai, and A. Gulliver, “Power allocation and scheduling for broadband wireless networks considering mutual interference,” IEEE ICC'11, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
- Y. Luo and L. Cai, “Error Recovery with Soft Value Combining for Wireless Cooperative Systems,” IEEE WCNC'11, Quintana-Roo, Mexico, March 2011. (Best Academic Paper Award)
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and L. Cai, "A probabilistic model for message propagation in two-dimensional vehicular ad-hoc networks," in Proc. 7th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking (VANET'10), Chicago, USA, Sept. 2010.
- R. Ruby and J. Pan, "Video streaming with PCA and Hard vs Soft DRP," in Proc. 53rd IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'10), Miami, USA, Dec. 2010.
- L. He, Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and J. Xu, "Evaluating On-Demand Data Collection with Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks," in Proc. 72nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'10-Fall), Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 2010.
- Y. Zhuang and J. Pan, "Probabilistic energy optimization in wireless sensor networks with variable size griding," in Proc. 45th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
- L. Chang and J. Pan, "On the system parameters of peer-to-peer video streaming with network coding," in Proc. 45th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
- Z. Yang, J. Pan and L. Cai, "Adaptive clock skew estimation with Interactive Multi Model Kalman filter for sensor networks," in Proc. 45th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2010.
- R. Zhang, L. Cai and J. Pan, "Performance analysis of reservation and contention-based hybrid MAC for wireless networks," in Proc. 45th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2010.
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and L. Cai, "Minimizing energy consumption with probabilistic distance models in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'10), San Diego, USA, March 2010.
- L. Cai, Y. Luo, S. Xiang, and J. Pan, "Scalable modulation for scalable wireless videocast," in Proc. IEEE International Miniconference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM-MC'10), San Diego, USA, March 2010.
- M. Daneshi, J. Pan, and S. Ganti, "Towards an efficient reservation algorithm for distributed reservation protocols," in Proc. 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'10), San Diego, USA, March 2010.
- J. Pan, "Teaching computer networks in a real network: the technical perspectives," in Proc. 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE'10), Milwaukee, USA, March 2010.
- M.Daneshi, J. Pan, and S. Ganti, "Distributed reservation algorithms for video streaming over UWB-based home networks," in Proc. 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'10), Las Vegas, USA, Jan 9-12, 2010.
- S. Xiang and L. Cai, "Distortion Analysis of Wyner-Ziv Distributed Video Coding," IEEE Globecom'10, Dec. 2010, Miami, USA.
- Y. Luo, R. Zhang, and L. Cai, "Second-Order Properties for Wireless Cooperative Systems with Rayleigh Fading," IEEE Globecom'10, Dec. 2010, Miami, USA.
- H. Ma and L. Cai, "Performance Analysis of Randomized MAC for Satellite Telemetry Systems," IWIOT Workshop, Aug. 2010, Beijing, China.
- Abdullah, L. Cai, and G. Feyaz, “Enhanced Busy-Tone-Assisted MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE VTC'10-Fall, Sept. 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
- Z. Yang, L. Cai and W. Lu, "Practical Concurrent Transmission Scheduling Algorithms for Rate-adaptive Wireless Networks," IEEE Infocom'10, Mar. 2010, San Diego, CA, USA.
- H. Zhang, L. Cai, X. Liu and X. Shen, "Boundedness of Heterogeneous TCP Flows with Multiple Bottlenecks," IEEE WCNC'10, April 2010, Sydney, Australia.
- Y. Luo and L. Cai, "Throughput Maximization for User Cooperative Wireless Networks with Adaptive Modulation," IEEE ICC'10, May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
2009 and before
- A. Abdullah, F. Gebali and L. Cai, "Modeling the Throughput and Delay in Wireless Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks," IEEE Globecom 2009, Dec. 2009, Hawaii, USA.
- L. X. Cai, H. Hwang, X. Shen, J. Mark and L. Cai, "Optimizing Geographic Routing for Millimeter-wave Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna," (invited paper), Broadnets'09, Sept. 2009, Madrid, Spain.
- Y. Liu and J. Pan, "The impact of NAT on BitTorrent-like P2P systems," in Proc 9th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'09), Seattle, WA, USA, Sept. 2009.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, "Markov modeling for data block transmission of OFDM systems over fading channels," IEEE ICC'09, June 2009, Dresden, Germany.
- Y. Zhuang, J. Pan, and G. Wu, "Energy-optimal grid-based clustering in wireless microsensor networks," in Proc. 6th International Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networking (WWASN'09), Montreal, QC, Canada, Jun. 2009.
- R. Ruby and J. Pan, "Performance analysis of WiMedia UWB MAC," in Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks (WiMAN'09), Montreal, QC, Canada, Jun. 2009.
- D. Li and J. Pan, "Performance analysis and evaluation of H.264 video streaming over multi-hop wireless networks," in Proc. 51st IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'08), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- E. Shihab, L. Cai and J. Pan, "A distributed directional-to-directional MAC protocol for asynchronous ad hoc networks", in Proc. 51st IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'08), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, "Analysis of Delayed Acknowledgment Scheme with Packet Fragmentation of UWB-based WPAN," IEEE Globecom'08, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- M. Cheng, X. Gong, and L. Cai, "Link Rate Allocation under Bandwidth and Energy Constraints in Sensor Networks," IEEE Globecom'08, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- F. Wan, L. Cai, and A. Gulliver, "A Simple, Two-Level Markovian Traffic Model for IPTV Video Sources," IEEE Globecom'08, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, “Analyzing Adaptive Modulation Coding Jointly With DRP and Dly-ACK for UWB-based WPAN,” IEEE Globecom'08, New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- M. Cheng, X. Gong, L. Cai, and A. Abdullah, “Transmission Scheduling for CBR Traffic in Multihop Wireless Networks,” International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA'08), Dallas, TX, USA, Oct. 2008.
- R. Rukhsana, Y. Liu, and J. Pan, "Evaluating video streaming over UWB wireless networks," in Proc. 4th ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling (WMuNeP'08), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 2008.
- Y. Yu, J. Pan, M. Lu, L. Cai, and D. Hoffman, "Evaluating `No-New-Wires' home networks," in Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM'08), Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 2008.
- D. Li and J. Pan, "Evaluating MPEG-4 AVC video streaming over IEEE 802.11 wireless distribution system," in Proc. 9th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'08), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Mar. 2008.
- K. Wu, D. Huang, J. Pan, and C. Liu, "On the robustness of range-free localization in wire- less sensor networks," in Proc. 4th ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine'07), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 2007.
- L. X. Cai, X. Shen, L. Cai, and J. W. Mark, “A Concurrent Scheduling Scheme for IPTV over mmWave-based WPANs” Proc. ICST QShine'08, Hongkong, China, July 2008.
- H. Yin, B. Sheng, H. Wang, and J. Pan, "Securing BGP through keychain-based signatures," in Proc. 5th IEEE Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'07), Evanston, IL, USA, Jun. 2007.
- L.Wang, L. Cai, X. Liu, and X. Shen, “Practical Stability and Bounds of Heterogeneous AIMD/RED System with Time Delay,” Proc. IEEE ICC’08, Beijing, China, May 2008. (received the IEEE ICC'08 - Advances in Networks and Internet Symposium Best Paper Award)
- K. Liu, X. Shen, R. Zhang, and L. Cai, “Delay Analysis of Distributed Reservation Protocol with UWB Shadowing Channel for WPAN,” Proc. IEEE ICC’08, Beijing, China, May 2008.
- F. Wan, L. Cai, A. Gulliver, “Can We Multiplex IPTV and TCP?” Proc. IEEE ICC’08, Beijing, China, May 2008.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, “Optimizing Distributed MAC Protocol for Ultra-wide Band Wireless Networks,” Proc. IEEE Infocom’08, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2008.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, “Packet-level channel model for wireless OFDM systems,” Proc. IEEE Globecom'07, Washington, DC, Nov./Dec. 2007.
- E. Shihab, F. Wan, L. Cai, A. Gulliver, and N. Tin, “Performance analysis of IPTV in home networks,” Proc. IEEE Globecom'07, Washington, DC, Nov./Dec. 2007.
- L. Wang, L. Cai, X. Liu, and X. Shen, “Stability and Fairness Analysis of AIMD/RED System with Heterogeneous Delays,” Proc. IEEE Globecom'07, Washington, DC, Nov./Dec. 2007.
- L. X. Cai, X. Shen, L. Cai, and J. W. Mark, “Spatial Multiplexing Capacity Analysis of mmWave WPANs with Directional Antennae,” Proc. IEEE Globecom'07, Washington, DC, Nov./Dec. 2007.
- R. Zhang and L. Cai, "Modeling UWB Indoor Channel with Shadowing Processes," (work-in-progress), Proc. QShine'07, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2007. [PDF]
- L. X. Cai, X. Shen, L. Cai, and J. W. Mark, “Spatial multiplexing capacity analysis for three-dimensional wireless personal area networks,” Proc. Chinacom'07, Shanghai, China, August 2007.
- V. Mahinthan, L. Cai, J. W. Mark, and X. Shen, "Optimizing Power Allocation and Matching of Cooperative Diversity Systems," Proc. IEEE ICC'07, Glasgow, U.K., June 2007.
- L. X. Cai, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. W. Mark, ``Efficient Resource Management for mmWave WPANs, Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'07), Hong Kong, Mar. 2007.
- E. Shihab and L. Cai, "IPTV Distribution Technologies in Broadband Home Networks," Proc. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2007.
- K. Liu, L. Cai, and X. Shen, "Effective Scheduling for UWB Networks using Discrete Stochastic Optimization," Proc. IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 11-13, 2007.
Degree theses
- Vivek Tiwari, MASc'12, Performance enhancement in VANET with admission control and contention window adjustment
- Arian Khosravi, MSc'12, Opportunistic routing in intermittently connected wireless mobile social networks
- Yanyan Zhuang, PhD'12, A geometrical probability approach to location-critical network performance metrics
- Liang He, PhD'11, Data collection with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks
- Zhonghua Wei, MSc'11, The impact of network address translation on peer-to-peer live video streaming systems
- Ahmad Abdullah, PhD'11, Performance enhancements in wireless multihop ad-hoc networks
- Bojiang Ma, MASc'11, Power and channel allocation for broadband wireless networks
- Aidin Faghfouri, MSc'11, Distributed high-dimensional similarity search with music information retrieval applications
- Yangyang Liu, MSc'10, Performance evaluation of BitTorrent-like peer-to-peer systems in the presence of network address translation devices
- Ruonan (Ivan) Zhang, PhD'10, Cross-layer protocol design and performance study for wideband wireless networks
- Haoling Ma, MASc'09, Performance analysis of MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks
- Rukhsana Ruby, MSc'09, Performance evaluation of WiMedia UWB MAC protocols
- Maryam Daneshi, MSc'09, Distributed reservation algorithms for video streaming over WiMedia UWB networks
- Fengdan Wan, MASc'08, Traffic modeling and performance analysis for IPTV systems
- Deer Li, MSc'08, Performance evaluation of video streaming over multi-hop wireless local area networks
- Emad Shihab, MASc'08, A directional-to-directional (DtD) MAC protocol for ad hoc networks