hello xxx,
i do not know why you believe the paper is good enough for submission. the paper still has technical errors (e.g., turn is not a tcp equivalent of stun), and the presentation can be improved as well. more importantly, the paper structure needs to be changed. if you want me to submit the paper to a networking conference and potentially present the paper, it has to first meet my standards. i think we have the responsibility of quality control for the work and paper of ourselves and our students, especially when we know that the work and paper can be considerably improved by ourselves.
i have updated the section on yyy (please see the attached 3-yyy.tex; also the pseudo code portion has been embedded in the same file). i did not reformat the tex file, so you can diff with the old one to see my changes. also please find the embedded comments led by %j: to see my reasoning for these changes.
i still suggest not to submit this paper in its current format. by the way, i have no way to submit this paper anyway: either iptcomm.org (its host site hostgator.com) is blocking my tcp connection to tcp port 80, or it is blocked by the great firewall (see the attached iptcomm.org).
if you still want to submit the paper, please use the attached Makefile to have the proper paper size and fonts embedding. no matter whether my name is listed or not, by courtesy, please send me a copy, so i can know what else we can work upon.
zzz: what’s your opinion?
also, please forward us the review comments from our last submission to tse. thanks.
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 xxx@csc.uvic.ca wrote:
> Jianping,
> I believe that the paper we sent to you was good enough to submit.
> I think it is inappropriate for you, who played a minor role
> in the research, to be making major decisions about the paper.
> I will be very unhappy if you do not submit this paper to IPTComm.
> If you are unwilling to do so, then please let me know and I will
> submit the paper without your name as author.
> xxx