i have time conflict that day, but we all want to know and participate, one way or the other. if you go, please bring some notes for me. thanks!
“Understanding Difference, Challenging Anti-Asian Racism”
Members of UVic and the greater Victoria community are invited to a teach-in organized by an ad hoc group of students, faculty and staff concerning the “‘Too Asian’?” article in the November 11 edition of Maclean’s, http://www2.macleans.ca/2010/11/10/too-asian/
Date: Wednesday, December 1
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Place: David Strong Building C103, http://www.uvic.ca/buildings/dsb.html
Tentative Program
1. Opening Remarks
2. Students “Talking Back” and Discussion
Students – domestic and international, undergraduate and graduate – will share 5-minute presentations about the Maclean’s article and lived experiences as “Asian” and/or “Canadian,” followed by audience responses.
3. Video Presentation, “An Audio-Visual Analysis of W5 ‘Campus Giveway’” (1980)
Audience will watch clips of a rebuttal to the CTV W5 show in 1979, in which Chinese Canadians were portrayed as stealing the rightful places of the “real” (white) Canadians in postsecondary education. The show sparked a well-known struggle for equality led by the Chinese Canadian National Council.
4. Panel Discussion: “An Open and Responsible Dialogue about Race and Diversity”
Members of UVic and the Greater Victoria community will give 5-minute presentations on topics such as the history of immigration and racism in B.C., recruitment of international students on Canadian campuses, and diversity and equity issues.
5. Concluding Plenary Session: “What can we do next?”
Audience share views of collective vision and goals.