From Tyler:
“This past Saturday, Feb 5, was the BC Winter Programming Competition hosted by SFU. 57 people participated from around the province, including SFU, UBC, and UVic[, in addition to guests from MIT, Waterloo, Stanford and Alberta schools]. The competition was 3 hours long and consisted of 6 problems of varying difficulty. Competitors could compete individually or in pairs, at UVic we decided to compete individually. 7 students from UVic competed and our top members performed exceptionally well.
Dan Sanders, came in first place in the entire competition and was amazing. He finished in half the time and had single correct submissions for all 6 problems.
Jennifer Debroni, came in 9th place. She solved 5 of the 6 questions.
Scott Porter, came in 18th place, with 4 solved problems solved.
Brodie Roberts rounded out the top 20 with a strong showing of 4 problems solved.
The entire scoreboard can be found at “
The UVic ICPC teams are coordinated by Computer Science graduating grad student Tyler Cadigan (supervised by Stege, Srinivasan and Ganti), who will defend his thesis this Friday, Feb 11, 3pm in ECS660. Cheers!