thanks for raising the awareness. according to a slashdot story
“Researchers uncovered one trend among the cheaters: the perception that
teaching assistants either ignored or didn’t care about cheating.”
we have to show to our students and others that we do care
Survey Finds Cheating Among Students At All GPA Levels
An anonymous reader writes “Over a third of undergraduate students
admitted to some form of cheating at one of America’s top research
universities, according to a survey published November in the journal
Science and Engineering Ethics (abstract). The researchers expected to
find more cheating among the top-performing group — and at the minimum at
least some students with excellent grades cheated. Not so. As it turned
out, the overall cheating rate was similar to that found in other studies,
but the types of cheating and stated reasons for cheating were all over
the map. Researchers uncovered one trend among the cheaters: the
perception that teaching assistants either ignored or didn’t care about
Read more of this story at Slashdot.