Re: CHINA – CANADA Scholars’ Exchange program

the scholars exchange program wendy mentioned is for faculty members
and students who are interested in doing research/study in china


there is another program also sponsored by china scholarship council (csc) with
uvic on phd students visiting uvic or getting degree at uvic

i had such a student applied last year and just started this january (yes, it’s
a long process), and i think i can share something from my experience (i wanted
to do this earlier but was swamped by various things recently)

  • the student has to apply as usual at uvic (but indicating they are applying
    for the csc scholarship as well)
  • you will evaluate the student as usual
  • if you decide to make an offer to the student, you need to indicate you are
    covering their tuition at uvic (csc scholarship requires the host univ to
    provide tuition waiver. many universities have, but uvic does not)
  • last year, the student had to get their application to csc by march 15 (not
    sure about the timeline this year, but should be in the same range). since the
    student (if still in university) needs to compete through home university (and
    this year it will be more competitive), so normally they need the offer letter
    much earlier than that to qualify at univ level
  • last year, the results of csc scholarship competition were known in may and
    july (two rounds), respectively. if they can catch on the paperwork and visa
    properly, they should be able to show up in sept
  • once they are on campus, you want to advise them to contact the chinese
    consulate general in vancouver (who actually distributes the scholarship
    quarterly) right away. the first installment may take several months to come,
    so you may want to pay their graduate support by term (rather than month by
    month) to cover the tuition payment at the beginning

that’s all i can recall right now. if you have any questions and need further
info, feel free to let wendy and me know. thanks

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