a working set of slides for the pizza party this wednesday is available at
and i will keep updating it when i receive slides from you (don’t worry about the font/format—it’s probably due to openoffice in linux, and i will make sure they show up well in the final version)
please give suggestions (and your slides 😉 ASAP. nothing is fixed yet! but we like to get your slides by tuesday evening the latest and merge them into one set to save the turnaround time during presentation. thanks
all are welcome to the party. if the area rep comes across your slides and you are present, it’s probably the best that you can go through the slides on your own—to get the message across and to answer further questions
happy thanksgiving and see you this wednesday in ecs660/668
ps: an updated agenda
===oct 14, 12noon===
pizza/pop in ecs668
===oct 14, 12:30pm===
talks in ecs660/668
Sue: intro (2–3 min)
Jens: BSENG, HIS/CS, some SE courses (5–8, has to leave early)
Ulrike: CS major, Bioinfo, Psychology/CS, some theory courses (5–8)
Dale: Honor’s, Co-Op, CS+MATH/STAT/Physics, numerical (5–8)
Frank: Combinatorial/algorithms, some theory courses (5–8)
Micaela: Computer Architecture/Hardware/VLSI etc (5–8)
Mantis: Mechatronics, embedded/realtime, systems courses (5–8)
Sudhakar: Networks, Wireless/Mobile, P2P, QoS, networks courses (5–8)
BruceG: Graphics, Visual Arts/CS, Games option courses (5–8)
Dana: HCI, Vis, CSCW, some SE courses (5–8)
Alex: DB/DM, Graduate programs, scholarships/fellowships (5–8)
George: AI, ML, IR, Music/CS (5–8, will come around 1:20)
Aurora: CSCU (2–3 min)
Anissa: WECS (2–3 min)
Anthony: BCNET BIC (2–3 min)
Sean: ACM ICPC (2–3 min)
anyone else?