Re: book purchases for Computer Science

i am the new library rep for our dept. i was told that there is some money left in the computer science budget to purchase new books for our library (please see the email attached below).

i think we’d better choose the books ourselves first, so if you know some books that our library should have (catalog search at can tell whether our library already has or not), please email me the list.

or if you want to see what are the new books available, please login to (use the ID and password embedded below) and check the review reports and use the search function there. you can submit the request directly on blackwell’s website, but please also email me a list (including title, author name, publisher, isbn, etc), so i can aggregate all the requests from computer science and forward one list to katy.

i trust the judgment of our colleagues, so i will forward all your requests to the library, but i cannot guarantee whether every book requested will be purchased or not. i am not the one to make the decision, but i was told some rules of thumb people at the library use:

+ they hope to the book will be of interest to someone outside the computer science dept as well, since they want to serve a big population

+ many books from springer are available electronically and uvic has site license for all computers on campus (or through proxy when off campus), so normally they do not want to buy the print copy

+ also normally they do not want to buy multiple copies.

i do not think i can make the best choice alone myself, especially in the areas that i am not familiar with, so i do need your recommendation, and we want to make the best use of the budget (it will not be carried over).

please email me your list before friday decemeber 19, so i can get the dept list compiled and forwarded to the library. thanks

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