2009 bcnet broadband innovation challenge winners will be announced (and webcast over the internet) this wednesday (april 29) after their award presentations. you can tune in through bcnet’s website at bc.net
this year, uvic undergraduate students have dominated the winner’s list. hopefully next year we will see more uvic participants (particularly our graduate students) and winners. when you are working on a project, group or individual, for courses, co-op or thesis, if it has an application over broadband networks, think competition, think (cash) awards
“Presentation Schedule, Wednesday, April 29
1. 9:45: Session starts at 9:45 am
2. 9:45 – 9:55 am: Donald Acton, UBC CS Professor and Chair of the Broadband Challenge will provide the opening and introduce the competition.
3. 9:55 – 10:00 am: NetTube Presentation (Xu Cheng, SFU)
4. 10:00 – 10:05am : CubeScape Presentation (Neal Clark, UVic)
5. 10:07 – 10:12am: 3AD Framework Presentation (Anthony Theocharis, UVic)
6. Other presentations will run until 10:20
7. 10:20: Awards and winners announced
This presentation time slot will be webcast and is also a plenary session.”