doing fuzzy logic/control?

if you do research related to fuzzy logic or control, please read on…

i was asked to give some names of faculty members doing research in fuzzy logic or control (i used fuzzy set myself before as well, but i do not do research on it). a delegation from chongqing university in chongqing, china is visiting uvic and they want to find some professors working in these areas to send some graduate students studying at uvic for degree or for visiting (supported by chinese scholarship council)

yes, i googled “professor research fuzzy logic OR control OR OR” and also tried the uvic expertise database, but did not find specific people right away (but we all know websites are always outdated for faculty members 😉 and think it’s better to just ask

if you are interested, please contact david wang at the uvic international office *directly* (cc’ed above). if you need any detailed/specific info, please feel free to contact him *directly* as well. thanks

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