First, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
i think we all can have more trust on the professional judgment of our colleagues—i might be wrong, but i am not worried, as far as we can keep these things in an *open* and *fair* manner: talking to our colleagues
(so probably it is the time to leave the office door open while inside, and to remove the cover from the door window—encourage our colleagues to knock your door if they see you still have a chance to talk)
i believe both they are doing their job with professional consciousness. i also believe the students have done really hard to get their a+, if not, next year, we probably have 70 students in this class
(i am not against blackboard or moodle, but i really encourage people to have course/research materials publicly accessible, as a service to the community, as well as letting students know an a+ is a real a+)
after all, what’s the difference between worrying about giving out too many a+’s and letting students shortcut our academic and research programs?