march 31: csc466/579 (p2p/advnet) project poster presentation

this year, csc466/579 (p2p/overlay networking and advanced computer networks) has a record number of course projects from both computer science and electrical engineering under/graduate students, covering voice/video streaming over wired/wireless networks, and ranging from cognitive radios to online social networks (please see the list below)

tomorrow (thursday, march 31), students will take a p2p approach and showcase their projects with posters and demos in ecs660, from 10am to 12pm, to all faculty members and students, taking more feedback for further improvement of their projects. all are welcome and cookie/drink will be provided. thanks for helping our students excel further

ps: a list of students and their projects
Maryam: Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks
Ron: YaKit: a Locality-aware Voice Messenger using the iCon Overlay
Doug and Kristian: A Distributed Ray Tracing System
Dean: Project Moped: using P2P to extend CDN to Mobile Users
Jamie: A DHT-based Multi-Projector Display System
Erik, Andrew and Tom: Voice Messenger Services
Xuan: Proportional Fairness Scheduling in SPC-aided Wireless Networks
Alex: A BitTorrent-based Ad System on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Min: Scalable Video Coding and Network Coding for P2P VoD Systems
Ricky and Leo: Audio Streaming from Cloud Storage
Cheng: Online Paid Posters
Lei Zhang: P2P Traffic Identification on Transport Layer
Lei Zheng: Random Access in Wireless Networks
Bassam: RSync with SCTP
Scott: iPhone WebCam

pps: bcnet digital media challenge submission due monday, april 4. see

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